Inclusivo Blanco is Back

Inclusivo Blanco is Back

Inclusivo Blanco is back at the Inn for a limited time. I'll be passing out samples on Tuesday around 6:30. Inclusivo, founded by a First Nations Native American woman, Warisó:se, is estate bottled and crafted from 100% blue weber agave. Being raised on an Indian reservation, Warisó:se learned early about the meaning of inclusivity. This gave her the passion to dedicate her brand to acceptance and inclusiveness. Inclusivo products are not mass produced and made from quality ingredients. Inclusivo Blanco is comparable to the semi-sweet style like that of Casamigos making for a tasty shot or a smooth margarita. This tequila's NOM (Norma Oficial Mexicana) is 1438 which is where a lot of other well-made brands are made. The nom which appears on every bottle of authentic Mexican tequila assures the drinker that the liquid inside meets Mexico's standards. The number indicates the distillery where it is produced and gives a better understanding of the quality of a particular bottle of tequila. We will be featuring Inclusivo Blanco in our Horchata-Colada drink feature. What is a Horchata-Colada? A cocktail we created for National Piña Colada day on Wednesday....but even better. More details about that to come in another post.
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